Scholarship Application

The Ross and Carmella DeJohn Memorial Scholarship

Thank you for sharing this opportunity with graduating students this school year! Every year, we look forward to providing students the opportunity to put more money toward their college education, and we are pleased to present this memorial scholarship option once

again: This scholarship is given to those High School Seniors with a minimum GPA of 2.5. Students will need to answer the ALL of the questions in essay form, using examples of their school and community involvement.

*** Applications must be received by March 17, 2025 ***

The top candidates will be invited for a personal interview at a date to be determined.  An independent committee will judge the applicants.

Please allow teachers and staff to create copies of the student instructions (in this packet) to post in each class or wherever is easiest for students and teachers to access.

About the New Application Process:

You will notice a QR code, that looks like a barcode on the student instructions. That is one additional way that students will be able to access the application this year. They will be able to use the camera on their smart phone to access the link to the online application. Once they submit their application, their applications will be reviewed by the Scholarship Committee here at DeJohn Funeral Homes, and each finalist will be notified to schedule an interview with the committee.

Questions? Contact us via email or phone:


Scholarship Application

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